A few words that might be helpful
Auricles - Swellings or appendages at the base.
Clonic convulsions - A sudden involuntary series of contractions of groups of muscles; characterized by a rhythmic alternation of contraction and relaxation.
Decumbent- Prostrate or nearly so, with the tips growing upwards.
Glabrous - Without hairs.
Hyperpnea - Excessively deep or rapid breathing.
Peduncles - The short stem bearing the fruit.
Pentandrous - 5 stamens. (This word was not used in this text but will be encountered in our references and only a few dictionaries.)
Ptyalism- Excessive salivation.
Sessile- Lacking a stalk.
Setiform - Bristle-like.
Stipules - The basal appendage of a petiole.
Tonic convulsions - A prolonged contraction of the skeletal muscles.