Tanacetum parthenium
AKA Feverfew
This is a useful medicinal plant.
"More than YOU want to know?
Tanacetum parthenium
AKA Feverfew
This is a useful medicinal plant.
Spilogale gracilis is also known as the western spotted skunk or it sometimes is called a civet cat (the latter is locally common but also refers to a completely different animal).
These are valuable predators of rodents and yellow-jacket nests.
Monochamus scutellatus
AKA Spotted Pine Sawyer
Pacific gopher snake
Thamnophis atratus hydrophilus
Oregon Gartersnake
Batrachoseps attenuatus
California slender salamander
3 March 2016
Fungus beetles
A member of the “pleasing fungus beetles” or the Erotylidae.
The name is derived (Latinized) from the Greek word erotulos, ἐρωτύλος
Meaning Little Darlings or Sweethearts — in some sort of a reference to the beauty of some gem stones.
In the case of our ‘Little Darlings’ the color scheme is described as ferrugineous and piceous. (Rusty and pitch colored.)
As is common for a lot of beetles like this, these often play dead when disturbed.
The images showing a scale bar are slightly flattened due to the weight of the scale. A microscope reticle was used in which 20 units is 1 mm.