Pyrola picta
White-veined wintergreen or white-veined shinleaf.
Is just beginning to send up spikes at the end of May and will be flowering as we move into June.
Category: plants
Pyrola asarifolia subsp. bracteata
Pyrola asarifolia subsp. bracteata
Pink wintergreen
In 2015 these are just getting started now (last week of May). This is a preview of what we can expect in the next several weeks!
Corallorhiza maculata
Corallorhiza maculata
Spotted coralroot
This was noticed on 23 May 2015 but it has obviously been flowering for a while.
The Cardamine species are known as Milkmaids.
They are among the first noticeable flowers appearing every Spring.
Not long ago I would have said this one was Cardamine californicum var. integrifolia (AKA the Coast Milkmaid; formerly Cardamine integrifolia) but apparently that species has been lumped and no longer exists except as Cardamine californicum.
Most of the year they look like this:
Iris douglasiana
Iris douglasiana, AKA Douglas’ iris, is a very common plant of the coastal forest in Mendocino County.
It is not clear to me how many are actually true and how many are hybrids with other local species.
Natural Iris hybrids
The Iris species can readily pollinate each other so natural hybrids are common anywhere that more than one species occurs.
And another
All of the naturally occurring Iris species in the PNW are beardless.
Compare those with a couple of bearded garden hybrids.