Some of the Trichocereus peruvianus presently surviving in my garden.
A rather typical Trichocereus peruvianus.
A rooted Trichocereus peruvianus cutting from the Eltzner collection.
This form stays completely erect and commonly grows to at least 15 feet tall and 6.5 inches in diameter. It can get bigger on both counts. A basal section that was almost 10 inches in diameter has been observed in Oakland, California.
A Trichocereus peruvianus from GF’s collection (ELF?)
This form shows a strong tendency to arch and often falls over becoming prostrate after it has reached a few feet in length. If not synonymous with, this is at least very similar to the Type from the canyon of the Rio Rimac in Peru.
Images of the Type of Trichocereus peruvianus occurring near Matucana.
The next four photographs were taken by Grizzly of wild plants.