Peltis pippingskoeldi

This Peltis species is one of the “bark beetles”

Peltis sp.

Peltis pippingskoeldi beetles excavatiing a conk.


Peltis sp.

Peltis pippingskoeldi eating a conk.

These like to “play dead” when they get disturbed. I was initially puzzled wondering why I was finding only dead ones.

Peltis sp.

Peltis pippingskoeldi


Leave them alone and they come back to life pretty fast.

a conk

Their chosen conk; a young Fomitopsis pinicola


Peltis pippingskoeldi starting some two level excavations on that conk.





Peltis sp.

Peltis pippingskoeldi

Peltis sp.

Peltis pippingskoeldi

Peltis sp.

Peltis pippingskoeldi

Peltis sp.

Peltis pippingskoeldi

Peltis sp.

Peltis pippingskoeldi

Peltis sp.

Peltis pippingskoeldi


I am believing that these next ones are some sort of beetle larvae (based on their body and the configuration of antennae).

conk with beetle larvae

Another conk with beetle larvae

beetle larvae

beetle larvae

beetle larvae

beetle larvae

beetle larvae

beetle larvae