A lot of cool animals live here. This is a tiny fraction.
Getting photographs for most of them is a real challenge.
Ariolimax columbianus
Pacific Banana Slug
Monadenia infumata Redwood Sideband

Camponotus sp.
Carpenter ants
Camponotus modoc
Western black carpenter ants
Monochamus scutellatus
Spotted pine sawyer

Peltis pippingskoeldi
A bark beetle
Platyceroides agassii
One of the many Scarab beetles
Prionus californicus
California root borer
Timema douglasi
A parthenogenic doug-fir specialist that is said to be the smallest walking stick insect.

Zarhipis integripennis
Western Banded Glowworm
Unidentified bug with a Piptoporus betulinus
MAYBE Lithobius forficatus
A Stone Centipede
Harpaphe sp.
Almond-scented millipede

Paeromopus angusticeps buttensis

Xystocheir dissecta
Redwood Xystocherini

Titiotus sp.
An endemic genus of spiders
Araneus gemma
Cat-faced spider

Uroctonus mordax
Forest scorpion
It is almost impossible to go out during mild weather and not pick up a tick in the forest or meadows around here.
Ixodes pacificus
Black-legged tick
This is the business end of one thing about the forest that really sucks, ticks.
These were abundant and especially active during May-June 2015. It has been almost impossible to go out during mild weather and not pick up a tick in the forest or meadows around here right now.

Vaejovis puritanus
One of several scorpions that live here; species ID may or may not be right. This is an older picture of something that we only very rarely encounter.
Batrachoseps attenuatus
California Slender Salamander

Dicamptodon ensatus
California Giant Salamander
Aneides flavipunctatus flavipunctatus
Speckled-black salamander
Some of these are solid black and some are speckled with yellow.

Taricha granulosa granulosa
Rough-skinned newt
Acris crepitans
Pacific chorus frog
Bufo boreas
Forest toad
Diadophis punctatus occidentalis
Northwestern Ring-necked Snake
Lampropeltis getula californiae
California king-snake
Pituophis catenifer catenifer
Pacific gopher snake

The next individual was not seen here at home but was encountered while visiting the Shulgin farm.
Thamnophis atratus hydrophilus
Oregon Gartersnake

Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis
California Red-sided Gartersnake
Plestiodon skiltonianus skiltonianus
Elgaria spp.
Alligator lizard

Sceloporus occidentalis
Western fence lizard
Corvus corax
Common raven
This image was taken a few miles from home in Ukiah but these live and nest here on site.

Meleagris gallopavo
Wild turkeys
This is a conservationist success story. This bird species nearly went extinct due to overhunting. Reintroduction activity (largely through redistribution of existing birds) lead to a huge rebound of the population including in many areas where it did not formerly exist. It is so common now that most people have no idea that it almost disappeared from the planet.
Melanerpes formicivorus
Acorn woodpeckers
Myotis sp.Bats
Urocyon cinereoargentus
Grey fox
Mephitis mephitis
striped skunk
Mephitis mephitis (striped skunk) & Didelphis virginiana (Virginia Opossum)
Spilogale gracilis
Western Spotted skunk

Neotoma fuscipes
Dusky-footed woodrat AKA Pack-rat
Sonoma chipmunk

Sciurus griseus
Western grey squirrel
Odocoileus hemionus columbianus
Columbian blacktail deer
Ursus americanus californiensis
California black bear