Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica is the California poppy.


Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica

Eschscholzia californica


Ticks really suck.

That might be punny but it is also true.
No account of forest OR xeric life would be complete without mentioning ticks.

Amblyomma cajennense from Jim Hogg County Texas

Amblyomma cajennense from Jim Hogg County Texas; male on left – female on right

Amblyomma cajennense
I encountered this pair, a male and a female, while doing field work in South Texas, rather than here.


adult male of  Dermacentor occidentalis

adult male of Dermacentor occidentalis

adult male of Dermacentor occidentalis

adult male of Dermacentor occidentalis

Dermacentor occidentalis
Pacific Coast tick
This is the only one of these I’ve ever found here at home in over a dozen years of living here. This one, shown inside of a plastic bag, was noticed hanging spread-eagle from a blade of grass in June 2014. The mouthparts are considerably shorter than the ticks shown above or below.


Ixodes pacificus

Female and male Ixodes pacificus; ticks will feed on ticks.

Ixodes pacificus
One of the tick species from home. It MIGHT be the most common one that lives here.

Ixodes pacificus

Just cold, not dead.

Ixodes pacificus

Notice that barbed hypostome?

Ixodes pacificus

A male Ixodes pacificus from Mendocino County, California

Ixodes pacificus from Mendocino County, California

A male Ixodes pacificus from Mendocino County, California

It amazes me how small ticks can be. This is that last male Ixodes shown above; after it was dead.

Its feeding implements are the featured image.



Above is an adult male Ixodes pacificus.
Below is a larvae with six legs rather than 8 legs like a nymph or an adult. Larvae can supposedly only transmit Bartonella.
For a sense of scale, those are human hairs.



Hopefully this one was a larvae but I can’t tell for certain if it has 6 or 8 legs. It was destroyed during removal.

Ixodes pacificus noticed a day late

Ixodes pacificus that was noticed a day late


This one was clearly a nymph. Bigger than a larvae but still too small.



This is that same, now dead, nymph of Ixodes pacificus after having its meal interrupted.



This nymph was feeding for a bit longer

Ixodes pacificus nymph feeding

Ixodes pacificus nymph feeding

Ixodes pacificus nymph feeding

Ixodes pacificus nymph feeding


This nymph has been fed longer still

Ixodes pacificus nymph after a night of feeding

Ixodes pacificus nymph after a night of feeding

Ixodes pacificus nymph after a night of feeding

Ixodes pacificus nymph after a night of feeding

And another that was somehow missed a whole day!

Ixodes pacificus nymph noticed too late

Ixodes pacificus nymph noticed too late

Notice the hugely engorged Ixodes on the right ear of this woodrat?

Neotoma fuscipes

Neotoma fuscipes; with Ixodes pacificus

Natural Iris hybrids

The Iris species can readily pollinate each other so natural hybrids are common anywhere that more than one species occurs.

wild iris hybrid

wild natural hybrid between Iris douglasiana and I. purdyi

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

And another

wild Iris purdyi hybrid

A wild Iris purdyi hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid

wild iris hybrid    IMGP4113



All of the naturally occurring Iris species in the PNW are beardless.
Compare those with a couple of bearded garden hybrids.

Iris hybrid

Iris hybrid

Iris hybrid "Musician"

Iris hybrid “Musician”


Spartium junceum

Spartium junceum is also known as Spanish broom.

It is not very common in our area and is easily identified.

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum on 14 May 2015 near Ukiah, California

Spartium junceum

Spartium junceum

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Spartium junceum 14may2015

Mimulus aurantiacus

Mimulus aurantiacus is also known as the Sticky Monkey Flower.

It occurs in the sunny open rocky areas of the serpentine soils in the mountain pass above us.


Mimulus aurantiacus

Mimulus aurantiacus

Mimulus aurantiacus

Mimulus aurantiacus

Dudleya cymosa

Dudleya cymosa is also known as Canyon live-forever.

It occurs in some of the sunny open areas on the serpentine rocks of the mountain pass above us.


Dudleya cymosa

Dudleya cymosa

Dudleya cymosa

Dudleya cymosa

Dudleya cymosa

Dudleya cymosa

Dudleya cymosa

Dudleya cymosa

Dudleya cymosa

Dudleya cymosa

Genista monspessulana

Genista monspessulana is also known as French broom.

This is often mistaken for scotch broom but is easy to tell apart as it has hairy fruit and a different stem and leaves.

It seems to be the predominate sort of the brooms in our area.

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana on 12 May 2015 in Mendocino County

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Genista monspessulana 12 May 2015

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii
This is one of the Wild ginger species; variously referred to as Marbled wild-ginger or Hartweg’s wild-ginger.

These images are not from home but rather are from Shasta County near Big Bend.

I was told that the flower is pollinated by a beetle.

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii


Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii

Asarum hartwegii

Monardella purpurea

Monardella purpurea
Also known as Siskiyou monardella, Serpentine monardella & Serpentine Coyote Mint

It occurs in some of the sunny open rocky areas in the serpentine soils of the mountain pass above us.


Monardella purpurea

Monardella purpurea

Monardella purpurea

Monardella purpurea

Monardella purpurea

Monardella purpurea

Monardella purpurea

Monardella purpurea

Monardella purpurea

Monardella purpurea