Lupinus bicolor
Miniature Lupine
"More than YOU want to know?
The tags on these next three may have gotten switched around in-between two of them as I suspect you will agree.
J-6 (and tag)
J-8 (and tag)
Mixed shots showing all three with added labels (most also show J-5)
Thanks for any thoughts on those!
I seem to vaguely recall that “Oz pach” as *maybe* being Dutchie’s “Big Bluey” or some other seeds that were distributed by him a fairly long time ago?
To me it looks like the tag on J-6 may have been for J-7?
Red boletes are supposed to be poisonous or at least inedible.
I don’t know the species.
Maianthemum racemosum ssp. racemosum used to be Smilacina racemosum.
It is also known as False Solomon seal or Fat Solomon.
These flowers are just past their prime on 15 May 2015. Berries are already starting to form.
A link page to the cumulative local plant images on this website
Anisocarpus madioides
Woodland maddia
Asarum hartwegii
Hartweg’s wild ginger or Wild ginger
This species occurs only farther north and east of here but it flowers this time of year.
Cardamine californica var. integrifolia
Coast milkmaids
Calochortus species
The Mariposa lillies
There are many different species of these in California and a couple of them live near here.
Dudleya cymosa
Canyon live-forever
Eriophyllum ambiguum
Beautiful Woollysunflower
Erythronium californicum
Trout lilly or California fawn-illy
Eschscholzia californica
California poppy
Fragaria vesca
Wild strawberry
These will be flowering soon!
Genista monspessulana
French broom
some sort of wild Geranium
Hypericum perforatum
Common St. Johnswort or Klamath Weed
Iris douglasiana
Coast Iris or Douglas’ Iris
Iris fernaldii
another local wild iris
Iris purdyi
another local wild iris
natural Wild Iris Hybrids are very common.
This bearded Iris is not a native Iris species
Lathyrus vestitus var. vestitus
Woodland pea
Maianthemum racemosum ssp. racemosum
False Solomon Seal
Mimulus aurantiacus
Sticky Monkey Flower
Monardella purpurea
Siskiyou monardella, serpentine monardella & Serpentine Coyote Mint
Pleuricospora fimbriolata
“fringed pine-saps”
Polygonum californica
California milkwort
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Rhus diversiloba
Poison oak
It is still too early for flowers on this underappreciated beauty.
another image from earlier
Ribes sangineum var. glutinosa
Pink-Flowered Currant
Scoliopus bigelovii
Fetid Adder’s Tongue
Silene laciniata ssp. californica
California Indian Pinks
Slime molds
Spartium junceum
Spanish broom
Trientalis latifolia
Pacific Starflower
Trillium ovatum
Pacific Trillium
Triteleia laxa
Ithuriel’s spear
Whipplea modesta
Yerba del Selva
Calypso bulbosa is also known as the Calypso orchid and Fairy slippers.
Here it is the occidentalis subspecies.
It is said to be easily killed through the act of picking its flower and to be endangered in many areas of its wide range.
The appearance of these small single leaves is a sign spring is here.
The leaves don’t stay around long.
This one made fruit.
The tiny corm is said to be edible but I have to wonder why a person would.
Iris purdyi is also known as Purdy’s Iris.
It apparently readily hybridizes with other Iris species in the area.