The images on this page show pachanot production in a large wholesale commercial nursery operation in southern California. These are produced in bulk as pristine high-quality new-growth tips that are sold as unrooted but healed cuttings to many retail nurseries. Their customers typically then root them, sometimes then growing them out into various sizes of nursery pots, and then resell them as their nursery stock. I’ll bet that many readers in the USA have actually seen these people’s material in their local big chain home improvement centers.
If this was hybrid, whether produced by a horticulturalist’s hands or encountered in the wild, it would be hard for any professional cactus grower to not recognize it as a serious potential money maker due to its features of not just having a growth rate driven by hybrid vigor but possessing large, showy and pleasantly fragrant flowers that occurred reliably and abundantly in almost any mild to moderate temperate climate, its habit of freely branching into multicolumn specimens, a highly favorable responsiveness and toleration to cuttings being taken, and its high water tolerance with no moderate drought and freeze hardiness.

That certainly is some pachanot production.
Is there any wonder why this predominates
the horticultural market in the USA?
Photographs © copyright by Anonymous;
reproduced with permission by Trout’s Notes
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To go back to the article:
“pachanoi or pachanot?“
Smith’s observations
with excerpts from some published descriptions. -
Topic 1: Backeberg’s clone
Topic 2: pachanoi compared to pachanot.
Additional material to ponder: